Video games always provide players with a diverse arsenal of weapons to choose from, from close combat to long range, from rudimentary like axes, knives, swords to modern and advanced guns like shotguns and pistols.
10. Green Apricot – Mario Kart
In Mario Kart, the turtle shell is considered a featured weapon.
9. Kingdom Key – Kingdom Hearts
In the Kingdom Hearts series, the Keyblade is one of the most powerful weapons, it has many forms, and each will give the player a different ability.
8. Hidden Gun – Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
Hidden Gun is one of the worst weapons of Assassins Creed Brotherhood.
7. Bowcaster – Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Initially, the idea of Bowcaster seemed like many fans’ dreams could come true, but sadly it did not achieve what players expected.
6. Bare hands – Dark Souls
In Dark Souls, the interesting thing is that players can fight with their bare hands.
5. Rivet Gun – Dead Space 2
You will fail if you try to prove that there exists a weapon weaker than the Rivet Gun in the Dead Space series.
4. Klobb – Goldeneye 007
Klobb is famous for being one of the weakest guns in Goldeneye 007. Not only does it deal weak damage, its accuracy is also extremely poor.
3. Sun On A Stick – Team Fortress 2
Sun On A Stick is one of the most useless weapons of Team Fortress 2. This weapon can inherently deal serious attacks to burning enemies, but Scouts – the only class that uses this weapon
2. PS20 – Deus Ex
Dues Ex is one of the best games ever, however, there are still many mistakes in the game, the most typical being the PS20 – the weapon considered the weakest in the history of all game weapons.
1. Cloaking Device – Super Smash Bros Melee
Super Smash Bros Melee’s Cloaking Device does not have any effect other than turning the player invisible.